And the lion’s share of fintech’s innovation is driven by a third invisible dimension of data: Time 🕒
But how can we get control of this universe of information?
Lucky for Silicon Zombies, we have a philosopher, computer engineer, and founder
🔷 Ravi Krishnan 🔷
Indeed, creating ordered information out of unordered information takes effort. But the distributed ledger with a time-stamped transaction ID allows for a layer of commonality so data can be contextualized and understood. Years ahead of his time, Ravi (CTO and Founder of Boardwalk Tech) has pioneered data modeling and architecture for decades – and his instincts are sharper than ever.
Join us live as we deeply challenge and expand our understanding/structure/nature of intelligence.
Joined by special co-host Mark diTargiani, SVP at Pacific Western Bank.
Thanks to our sponsors Necodex and Primero Negocios